quarta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2007

Ségovène Royal, a mãe indulgente da república francesa

Diz o Time:

[...] Royal finally has finally acquiesced to an image she had angrily spurned:
the Indulgent Mother of the French Republic. At the height of a critically important speech in her campaign for the presidency of France on Sunday, she took up the issue of the country's underfunded education system and allowed her cool reserve to crack. "As a mother," she said, her eyes glistening, "I want for all children born and reared in France what I've wanted for my own children."
The crowd of more than 10,000 Socialist Party members loved it. It was the key moment in her exposition of a resolutely Socialist view of the world that went down like ice cream for the party faithful. "We cannot allow financial power alone to drive the world," she insisted. "The marketplace is not the only law." As for foreign policy, her principle there was simple: "the never extinguished light of the French Revolution," shining with enlightened commitment to human rights and a multipolar world [...]

A não perder.